What do you know about Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)?
Are you or your colleagues affected by OPM, or have you never encountered it?
Please complete the survey to help us understand the extent, severity and long term affects that this tree pest is having, or not having, on the health of our industry operatives, and the commercial implications for future management.
Working with our colleagues at Forest Research and DEFRA, the Association has designed a survey specifically to help us understand how arboricultural contractors are experiencing the effects of working with OPM. We want to hear from those who have suffered health impacts and also those who have not – whether in the current OPM affected area or elsewhere in the country.
There has been a lot of anecdotal information about the effects of working with OPM and the types of PPE and methodologies used. In order to be able to offer sound, accurate information and guidance to contractors and climbing arborists carrying out this work, we need to collate accurate feedback from the industry, whose operatives are dealing with the issues on a daily basis.
Please spend a few minutes completing the survey, regardless of where you work in the country and whether you have had direct experience with OPM.
Please also share this AA OPM link with other colleagues in your organisation and other stakeholders and wider networks who may contribute to this important work.
The survey is open until 17th April 2020
Take the Survey