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Careers / Careers in Arboriculture

Career Options

Arboriculture is Tree Care

Trees are good for us

They provide a wide range of environmental, social and economic benefits to society.

However, not everyone knows about the profession which is responsible for these amenity trees: arboriculture.

Tree Production

Tree Production

Producing all the trees we plant, caring for them at the start of their lives and developing new varieties.

Tree Officers

Tree Officers

Responsible for inspecting, specifying and managing trees in a local area.

Planning Tree Officers

Planning Tree Officers

Responsible for overseeing trees in development and Tree Preservation Orders.


Practical tree workers undertaking tree work such as planting, pruning and removals.



Undertake diagnostic work, design, inspections and report writing.

Trainers and Educators

Trainers and Educators

Working to ensure that knowledge and skills are developed and maintained.

Producers and Suppliers

Producers and Suppliers

Designing, building and selling equipment and tools used in the industry.



Developing the knowledge base in every area of our industry.



Ensuring trees are high on the agenda, writing and contributing to local, national and international policies.



Devoting their time to promote the importance of trees and tree workers.

Professional Organisations

Professional Organisations

Groups who offer a home, representation, support and accreditation for professionals working in the industry.

Volunteer Groups

Volunteer Groups

Volunteers and community groups help care for trees and increase public engagement.