As previously mentioned in this magazine, we have been developing a brand-new Guidance Note on branch junctions, now published as GN14.
The author of this important work is Dr Duncan Slater, senior arboriculture lecturer at Myerscough College and renowned specialist on this subject. Duncan has produced many research papers on the relative strength of different forks and junction types and was innovative in identifying the issue of natural braces in trees and the way that these can affect the formation of junctions. Readers will also be familiar with his vast library of ‘Trees over Time’ photos, which provide such essential and fascinating evidence to help us understand the formation, decay and ultimate failure of tree and branch structures.
This peer-reviewed Guidance Note is based upon scientific research and well referenced.
It covers the principles of branch junction physiology and morphology, from terminal and axial buds through growth during the tree’s life, including the incidence of natural bracing, to create a narrative that is understandable and logical, supported with numerous photos, diagrams and illustrations. From this clear structure the development of the different types of included bark in junctions is explained, facilitating informed risk assessment.
One of the most important benefits of GN14 is its clarification of terminology used to describe branch junctions. Given the importance of accurate communication concerning tree structures in tree-related reports, scientific work and for risk management purposes, this Guidance Note provides an evidence-based framework for the description of branch junctions in the many different forms in which they can be found.
There are three levels of description prescribed in this Guidance Note (simple, detailed and advanced) so that users of this classification system can choose the level of detail that needs to be recorded or reported.
GN14 is available from the Association’s online bookshop: