This article outlines some of the financial help announced by the government which may be of use for Arboricultural business owners.
Government support
With a lot of support available from the Government, and hopefully more to come, this page will be updated with the latest information for employers.
(Reproduced courtesy of Hazlewoods – the Association Auditors)
Job Retention Scheme:
All UK businesses are eligible for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, which will part pay employee wages who may have needed to be laid off due to financial pressures. HMRC will cover 80% of the worker’s wage cost, up to £2,500 per month. We are awaiting further guidance from the Government regarding the scheme, but as soon as we hear more, we will update you as we know this will be needed for the majority of businesses.
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The Government has announced a delay in upcoming income tax payments until January 2021 and universal credit is now accessible by all self-employed individuals required to self-isolate, which will be provided at the same rate of statutory sick pay available for employees.
The government has announced the you will be able to claim a grant through the coronavirus (COVID-19) Self-employment Income Support Scheme. Use this scheme if you're self-employed or a member of a partnership and have lost income due to coronavirus..
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Funding and loans:
Small- or medium-sized businesses struggling with the impact of COVID-19 may also benefit from a new temporary coronavirus business interruption loan scheme (CBILS). Whereas, larger businesses may benefit from the COVID-19 corporate financing facility (CCFF).
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The next quarterly VAT payments have been deferred by the Chancellor such that no VAT will be due between now and the end of June. Instead, businesses will have until April 2021 to settle this deferred liability. It has been confirmed that direct debits will need to be cancelled by the VAT registered entity.
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If you have any concerns about paying tax due to the impact of COVID-19, or have outstanding tax liabilities, contact HMRC. A helpline has been set up specifically to address these situations and measures can be put in place to help you, such as agreeing instalments, or putting a halt to debt collection proceedings. Call HMRC on 0800 0159 559 to discuss your options, or read more about how they may be able to help you below.
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Ban on commercial evictions for tenants:
The Government announced an extra protection for businesses on Monday 23 March with a ban on evictions for all commercial tenants who miss rent payments due to coronavirus.
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What can I do to keep my business moving?
What do I need to know for employees/contractors?
Check Hazlewoods for more updates
COVID-19 updates
Summary of government guidance for all workplaces – England
Here are links to some of the recently updated government for specific work types: a full list of all government guidance can be found at
The Association will continue to signpost members to the appropriate government guidance via regular updates.
Please note – devolved governments may have different requirements please refer to the links below for further information.
Welsh Government advice
Scottish Government advice
Northern Irish Government advice