Have you been sitting at your current membership grade for a while and feel like it’s time to progress but aren’t sure how to go about it?
If so, there are lots of options to consider, and it’s likely to be more straightforward than you think!
If you are considering upgrading to Technician membership but aren’t sure your qualification is recognised, there is the Alternative Route to Technician membership. This is suitable for applicants who don’t have a relevant Level 3 qualification but have lots of smaller qualifications and short courses under their belt, along with practical certifications and several years’ experience.
Likewise, if you’ve been a Technician member for several years and would like to progress to Professional membership but don’t have a relevant Level 5 qualification, you may like to consider the Assessed route to Professional membership. The application form may look onerous but for those with many years of industry experience it’s very achievable and we offer interview options for those who would struggle to compile a fully written submission.
For our Professional members the next step is Fellowship, and we invite our Professional members to have a look at applying. The two key requirements are five years of Professional membership immediately preceding application and having made a contribution to the profession of arboriculture or tree care, either through working with the Association or with other similar bodies (e.g. tree officer associations, the Ancient Tree Forum etc.) or through your work. The full application form is available on our website, so please have a look and let us know if you have any questions.
The other option to enhance your membership is SocEnv Registration. We are licensed to offer Chartered Environmentalist status – open to all our Professional and Fellow members who have management experience. There is new guidance for CEnv applications available to download online and we’re available to assist with any enquiries.
If you are a Professional member but you don’t feel that you have the management experience to apply directly for Chartership, you might be interested in Registered Environmental Practitioner status, which is based on the same core competencies as Chartered Environmentalist status but doesn’t require you to hold a role at the same level of responsibility.
There is also a fantastic option available to our Technician members – Registered Environmental Technician, which allows you to demonstrate your environmental credibility in your current role.
All of the forms are available to view online and we’re always available to answer any questions and provide support. If you are ready to progress, we hope that you will feel there is an option for you.
This article was taken from Issue 202 Autumn 2023 of the ARB Magazine, which is available to view free to members by simply logging in to the website and viewing your profile area.