OPM Programme Update: April 2023
Welcome to the first Forestry Commission oak processionary moth (OPM) programme update of 2023. Programme updates will be published regularly throughout the OPM season, covering key stages such as caterpillar emergence, as well as information and surveillance. Please feel free to share with your contacts where appropriate.
Latest news
OPM caterpillars emerged from their egg plaques over the Easter weekend in London and on the 10th April in the Netherlands. Although caterpillars have emerged they can survive for 2-3 weeks before there are enough leaves for them to eat.
OPM management update
In 2023 Government is continuing to take action against OPM to help minimise the impact of the pest, limit its spread and work in partnership with landowners to reduce the risks. We will be treating infested trees and carrying out surveillance at the leading edge of infestation to protect most of the country which is free from the pest and reduce levels of pest prevalence.
In response to findings in 2021/2022, updated management zone boundaries were introduced on 8 March 2023. To support landowners with OPM management, please refer to the updated management zones map 2023. A list of local authorities and wards that fall into the Buffer zone and Established area is also available.
The Buffer zone and the Area free from the Pest will be subject to Statutory Plant Health Notices for the treatment of OPM. We will be sending out notices as we become aware of infestations throughout the season.
OPM Awareness Events
We will be running some OPM Awareness events in June this year. The one day events will be on the 5,7,8 June. We will advertise these closer to the date.
Stakeholder Meeting - 17 January
At the meeting we provided an operational update as well as an update on OPM research and policy.
Copies of the presentations from the day are available here.
If you have any comments or questions, please email: OPM@forestrycommission.gov.uk.
What can we learn from OPM management in other countries?
Yvette Buist, a PhD candidate at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, is investigating how Western European countries develop and implement strategies to manage the impact of OPM. As part of her research, she is keen to gain insights from professionals in the UK on OPM management strategies, stakeholder collaborations and decision-making in addressing OPM management challenges.
If you are involved in OPM management as an ecologist, (local) policymaker, medical environmental specialist, surveillance or monitoring specialist, or have other relevant expertise, and are willing to share your perspectives, knowledge and experiences, please send a message to yvette.buist@wur.nl. Your support is greatly appreciated.
OPM Reporting
We are still continuing to receive reports of OPM nest findings. This is a reminder not to approach or touch OPM nests, but please do report all OPM sightings via the online portal Tree Alert Alternatively, you can send in your reports to OPM@forestrycommission.gov.uk
And finally...
If you’re new to OPM, please note that the OPM website with guidance on surveillance, identification and managing OPM is available here.
The Forestry Commission has a suite of communication resources which partners are welcome to use including PDF versions of posters, leaflets and banners, all are available on the OPM Hub.
Please send us information on your OPM activity so that we can provide up-to-date and comprehensive OPM reports, including developments outside Defra/FC-funded work.
OPM Control Programme
Email: OPM@forestrycommission.gov.uk
Tel: 0300 067 4442
Please continue to report sightings of OPM using the TreeAlert link below: