There are currently 18 species of bats resident in the UK, many of which use trees in their daily activities.
An Infographic describing the benefits of urban trees
The Arboricultural Association has released a series of videos featuring prominent figures highlighting the importance of biosecurity.
Under ‘common law’, you may be able to prune branches and roots which grow over your boundary. However, you also have a legal duty to take ‘reasonable care’ whilst undertaki...
In most situations the simple answer to this is no. You have a common law right to prune back parts of a tree or hedge growing over the boundary into your property (subject to any legal r...
You may be able to depending on the importance of the tree, the nature of the building proposed and distance between the proposed building and the tree in question.If the building work proposed req...
We couldn’t recommend this as it is likely to further impair communication between team members in work situations where effective communication is so important. Whilst standard ear defenders...
BE SAFE, BE SUREThere is no shortage of people and companies offering tree work services, but how do you choose between them? The Health and Safety Executive says,“…clients engaging co...
A directory of arboricultural colleges and training providers in the UK.
We strongly advise that tree work contractors undertake appropriate training for all activities they carry out in order to comply with legislation. In this case the New Roads and Street Works Act a...