Legal requirements:Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HaSWA or ‘the Act’) Section 2(3) requires all organisations etc. to have a policy for managing health and safety. Where 5 or ...
WORKING AT HEIGHT REGULATIONS 2005IntroductionAfter some well publicised delays, the Work at Height Regulations 2005 came into force on 6 April 2005. They implement the European Temp...
Services typically required of an arboricultural contractor are:Tree maintenance operations including pruning, and related works to relevant British Standards (see our Tree Work Terminology&nb...
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations, 1992What is it?The PPE regulations require that employers provide suitable protective equipment to employees except where the risk has been adequa...
There is often the misconception that some birds are exempt from protection i.e. feral pigeons, magpies, crows etc., but this is not the case:All wild birds are protected under the Wildlife an...
A tree (arboricultural) consultant is someone who has gained recognised qualifications and expertise in the care and management of trees - particularly trees in landscape and amenity features, in g...
The Helliwell System is one of several methods of placing a monetary value on the visual amenity provided by individual trees and/or woodland.It has been extensively used in court cases, insurance ...
If the building work proposed requires planning consent, all trees which could potentially be affected by the development (including those off-site) should be assessed by an arboricultural consulta...
Legal RequirementsThe Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 place general duties on employers and the self-employed ...
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002What is it?CoSHH applies to employers and the self-employed in order to reduce the risks of exposure to harmful substances. You are respons...