Help for Arborists is a library of generic and arb-specific guidance resources available for members to download and use.
As part of our continuing work on the issue of succession in arboriculture, the Association is in discussions with the Department for Work and Pensions to look at how we can ensure arboriculture is...
If your tree is showing symptoms of ill health, which may be related to pest or disease, cultural or other reasons, samples may be sent to the following organisations for analysis. Please note: cha...
Work EquipmentLegal requirementsThe primary objective of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) is to ensure that work equipment should not result in health and ...
You can check to see if a property or area of land has a Tree Preservation Order on it, or if it is located within a Conservation Area, by looking at the council website or by contacting the local ...
Your local council is responsible for making Tree Preservation Orders (TPO). You should contact your local authority and speak to the tree officer or someone in the planning department who should d...
If the building work proposed requires planning consent, all trees which could potentially be affected by the development (including those off-site) should be assessed by an arboricultural consulta...
In spite of what you may read in newspapers or be told by insurance companies, there are no fixed minimum recommended distances that you should plant trees of certain species from buildings.When ch...
We have extensive guidance here on our website, please visit the ARB Approved Contractor section.
Our accredited ARB Approved Contractors and AA Registered Consultants are assessed for their high levels of quality on a regular basis to ensure they meet our exacting standards. If however you fin...