
Training & Events

Online training courses are now available

The Arboricultural Association offers around 100 training courses per year for arborists and tree surgeons. We aim to raise standards of education and knowledge across the industry through our events and training activities. All courses and events are open to members and non-members, and there’s something for everyone, from professional arborists and environmentalists to those with an interest in trees.

Members can benefit from up to 35% discount on arboricultural training courses at all levels, covering everything from basic tree inspection skills to Arboricultural consultancy.

Please be aware the member discount DOES NOT apply to those with our Foundation membership.

List of Courses

Tree Pests, Diseases and Disorders

This interactive course is ideal for tree work contractors and others who need to identify and diagnose tree pests, diseases and disorders as part of their regular work.




Course Fees

Arboricultural Knowledge

A short ‘signposting’ course designed to help professional arboriculturists assess and update their Arboricultural Knowledge across a broad range of topics.





 Stirling, Scotland

Course Fees

Arboricultural Knowledge - ONLINE

A short online ‘signposting’ course designed to help professional arboriculturists assess and update their Arboricultural Knowledge across a broad range of topics.






Course Fees

Basic Tree Survey and Inspection

A one-day Lantra Awards accredited course for those who want to obtain the skills and know-how that will enable them to recognise basic hazards and report onwards.

If you are looking to take your first step in Arboricultural training, this is the ideal course for you.





 Stirling, Scotland


 Stanhill Court




 Penkridge, Staffordshire


 Stanhill Court



Course Fees

BS5837: Tree Surveying and Categorisation

A short course for professional arboriculturists who wish to learn more about undertaking BS5837 surveys.




Course Fees

Getting to Grips with Subsidence - ONLINE

A specialised online course for tree officers, arboricultural consultants, contractors and other arboricultural professionals who may be required to manage tree-related subsidence cases. 










Course Fees

Professional Tree Inspection

This three day (non residential) course is designed for experienced arboriculturists with a Level 3 (or equivalent) qualification who are entrusted to make the right decision regarding tree safety issues. 

The well respected course is Lantra Awards accredited and those who are successful in the exam will be awarded with a certificate of achievement. 






 Killerton House, Exeter




 Stirling, Scotland


 Stanhill Court


 Newport, Wales


 County Durham




 Standish, Gloucestershire

Course Fees

Professional Tree Inspection Refresher

Are you looking to sharpen your skills in professional tree inspection?

This one day refresher course is perfect for those who have previously attended the Lantra Awards 3-day course and need to keep up to date with the ever changing thoughts and policies surrounding tree survey and inspection. 





 Killerton House, Exeter




 Stirling, Scotland


 Stanhill Court


 Newport, Wales


 County Durham





Course Fees

Subsidence Investigation Workshop - ONLINE

This online workshop is an extension of the  'Getting to Grips with Subsidence' course. 

If you are a Tree officer, Arboricultural Consultant or an arboricultural professional this workshop is designed with you in mind.








Course Fees

The AA Risk Assessment System - online

This 4 hour course will provide attendees with a comprehensive guide for practical arborists and managers to ensure a safe work environment that will meet the requirements of the law and many insurers.

This course runs from 10am - 2pm 












Course Fees

Tree Architecture and Morphophysiology Symposium

This event brings together leading authorities to present and explain how the principles of tree architecture, first developed in the 1960s in France, and tree morphophysiology together form an approach to tree management that can, and should, fundamentally improve tree care in the UK – and worldwide. Based on the pioneering work of Francis Hallé, Roelof A.A. Oldeman and colleagues, people across Europe, including in the UK, and in Canada, have explored these topics over the last 25 years. During that time much work has been done to understand how these theories can be applied to practical arboriculture and this symposium aims to present an introduction to the theories and to demonstrate key opportunities for application, from the propagation and management of nursery stock, to young, mature and ancient tree management. By recognising a tree’s developmental stage and the intrinsic processes each stage incorporates, it is possible to interpret some of the history and causal factors that have led to the tree’s current condition. Most importantly, it also allows an understanding of how the tree or, in some cases, different parts of the tree, are likely to respond to different conditions or levels of intervention. Making management decisions based on these principles and carrying out work that is compatible to the tree’s natural ageing and reaction processes, can be described as ’accompanying arboriculture’.



 The Jodrell Laboratory, R

Course Fees

Tree Pests, Diseases and Disorders (Online)

This interactive course is ideal for tree work contractors and others who need to identify and diagnose tree pests, diseases and disorders as part of their regular work.














Course Fees

AA Training – Tips for using Zoom

All of our online courses use Zoom video conferencing. Here are some tips to help you get set started:

Zoom tutorials

Please ensure you are familiar with zoom before attending the first session. This YouTube video is a useful introduction. Not all of the content is relevant, below is a series of shortcuts to the most relevant parts:

0:13 – Sign up with Zoom

2:00 – Navigate dashboard & change profile picture

2:30 – Download Zoom

4:30 – Understand meeting controls

4:47 – Mute/unmute host

5:00 – Disable video/enable video

8:00 – Raise hands

10:10 – Chat

11:09 – Reactions

12:19 – Join a meeting

Workspace and computer setup

Attending an online meeting can be taxing. We plan to take frequent breaks and include a diversity of tasks to help you get the most from the sessions. Here are some things you can do to you to improve your experience:

  • Distraction free space - where possible, set yourself up in a spare room/quiet corner to minimise distractions.
  • Ergonomic setup – working at a well setup station can reduce fatigue. See this video for more guidance.
  • Monitor – we would suggest calling in on a desktop PC or laptop (rather than a phone or tablet). If you are using a laptop, you may want to consider purchasing a monitor. This will help in a couple of ways; firstly monitors are usually larger than laptop screens (helping to reduce squinting and a tendency to lean forward) and secondly it is usually easier to elevate a monitor to an appropriate height (good for ergonomic posture). If using a monitor you also have the benefit of ‘extending’ your screen so that you have Zoom open on one and another application on the other.
  • Separate keyboard and mouse – if using a laptop the compact keyboards and trackpad mouse can lead to fatigue and issues such as RSI or carpal tunnel. Whilst the amount of typing during sessions will be limited, a separate keyboard and mouse can help prevent injury.
  • Headphone and microphone headset – the benefit of a headset is twofold; it can help block out background noise and makes it easier for others to hear you. If you purchase one with inline volume controls, it can also make it easier to mute your microphone when not speaking.
  • External webcam – this is by no means essential. However, if you are using an separate monitor it enables you to position the camera on top of the monitor, rather than having to turn to look at the laptop.
  • Lighting – we would like to see your lovely faces! Having a setup with good lighting makes this experience easier. Try positioning your workspace so you are facing a window. Alternatively, a lamp can help with this.