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Course Detail


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Intermediate Tree Inspection




Jim Mullholland and Paul Cleaver

14 hours

Fully Booked

2 days 

Exc. VAT Inc. VAT

Course Objectives:

The course will provide the training and information to help you;

• Understand the legal framework, statute and common law affecting tree inspections

• Understand the duties and liabilities of tree owners and managers

• Understand your role within the tree risk management process

• Understand the skill and knowledge levels required by you to fulfil your role

• Adopt a systematic and consistent method for carrying out visual tree inspections

• Interpret the body language of trees to recognise a range of potential defect symptoms

• Confirm the presence of defects and compare them against published failure criteria

• Write a specification for remedial works (recommended to control risk) taking into consideration

  the potential impact on associated benefits and values

• Prioritise remedial works by setting timescales reflecting the current level of risk

• Collect, record and retain relevant detailed field data, to aid and defend your decision making


Course Content:

  • Theory based presentations on each element  of tree inspection
  • Instructor led practical sessions on tree inspection practice, risk assessment and tree risk management options
  • One-to-one and group feedback sessions
  • A reading and resource list to aid further learning
  • Understand the elements and procedures of tree inspection and tree safety management
  • Be up-to-date with the latest techniques and industry requirements
  • Have practical experience with feedback
  • Have advanced their existing skills and arboricultural knowledge towards the standards expected of a professional tree inspector
  • Be able to further develop their arboriculture knowledge to achieve recognition as a professional tree inspector

Module Pre-requisites:

No Pre-requisites BUT the course is aimed at; • anyone aspiring to carry out tree inspections at a professional standard • those trained to a (BTSI) basic level, aiming for the Professional Tree Inspection (PTI) • existing professional tree inspectors wishing to consolidate their skills and update their knowledge PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS IS A NON-RESIDENTIAL COURSE. Hotels are available nearby.

Terms of Cancellation or Amendments to details

  • We reserve the right to cancel courses and refund applicants if there is insufficient demand.
  • A FULL charge will be applied to any booking cancelled less than 10 working days before the event.
  • A £30 administration charge may be applied to changes made to bookings that have been received and acknowledged.

For all course bookings outside the UK and Europe, please email training@trees.org.uk