

AA Practice Notes abuse adaptive growth approved contractor ARB Approved Contractor Arboricultural Association Arborist Arborists ash dieback Asian assessment Atypical Myopathy bad arborist bat conservation trust bats become an approved contractor benefit benefits Benefits of Trees beware Biosecurity bird nesting season birds bleeding blocked drain blog boundary bracing branches british bats BS5837 building callus careers cavity certification CHIP clear Climbing code of ethics code of practice colleges common law communication complain complaints conservation conservation areas construction consultant Contractor conversion Convictions coppicing Coronavirus CoSHH council council land court COVID-19 crown crown lifting crown raising crown reduction crown thinning danger of felling dangerous dangers deadwood defamation definitions diagnostic service dieback directive directory discrimination disease dispute Distance driveway duty of care ear defenders ecologist education ethics european habitats directive felling licences Finance fines forum fruit trees fungus glossary good arborist good climbing practice ground nesting birds guidance Guides habitat hammering harassment harmful hazardous substances health health & safety health and safety heavy clay hedge height helliwell help and advice help for arborists HMRC hollow tree Hornet horses HSE initials injury Insects intrusive i-Tree ivy land registry legal requirements legislation lifting equipment light light loss local councils local planning authority LOLER lopping loss maternity minimum recommended distance mobile phone monetary value music nail neighbour nesting nesting birds directive noise at work Oak Processionary Moth OPM penalty permission personal protective equipment pests Pests and Diseases phone usage phones up trees planning consent planning system point value policies post nominals PPE problem tree professional conduct property protection proximity pruning qualifications radio reasonable care registered consultant regulations restrictive covenants risk assessment risk to health road management roost roots Rope Royal Veterinary College safe safety schedule 5 schedule 6 Security site clearance sites of special scientific interest smothering Sooty bark disease Specialists study subsidence sycamore Talking Trees TDAG Technical Technique terminology The British Horse Society time of year tool box talk topping tpo traffic management training Tree Tree Advice Trust Tree Aftercare tree assessment tree consultant Tree Establishment Tree Health tree management tree officer tree ownership Tree Planting tree preservation order tree roots Tree Species Selection Tree Specifiers tree surgeon tree valuation Tree Watering trees trees causing cracks trolling Two Rope unsafe Urban Urban Trees verbal abuse VETcert vibration levels victimisation videos Water Management Watering wildlife wildlife and countryside act Women In Arboriculture working at height working equipment


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Are there any regulations I should be aware of governing the use of lifting equipment?

 25/11/2015    Last Modified: 31/07/2023

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998

What is it?

LOLER is a set of regulations that apply to employers, the self-employed and people in control of, or managing, lifting operations. LOLER is aimed at ensuring all lifting operations are properly planned, lifting equipment is used in a safe manner and lifting equipment is thoroughly examined at suitable intervals by a competent person.

What does it do?

LOLER requires that all equipment used to carry a load (a person in the case climbing equipment or a static load in the case of rigging equipment), be fit for purpose. All components of the systems in use must individually identifiable, kept to their respective roles and inspected following the schedule below. MEWPs and cranes also fall under this regulation.


Daily checks should be carried out by climbers prior to using any piece of equipment. Climbers are competent to make daily checks by virtue of their C&G/NPTC certification. Articles of high wear, e.g. prussic loops, friction hitch lanyards, regularly used ropes etc, should be subject to a recorded weekly inspection.

All equipment should be subject to a “thorough examination” by a “competent” person. Equipment carrying people should be thoroughly examined at least every 6 months and rigging equipment at least every 12 months, or after any unusual or intense period of wear.

Competent Person

A competent person for the examination should hold the C&G/NPTC Thorough Examination of Arboricultural Equipment certificate and be familiar with the equipment you use. They may be an employee of the company but must be contractually free to make decisions without fear or favour. Where an employee or the proprietor of a company acts as the competent person a method of arbitration should be available through an independent third party.

Little Used Items

Items used infrequently, e.g. heavy rigging equipment, specialist bollards, etc., need only be examined prior to use. Dedicated rescue equipment, kept in a sealed bag for that purpose only, need only be examined at the 6 monthly intervals or after any use and resealed.

Reports and Defects

A person making a thorough examination for an employer should notify defects and make a report of the examination. The competent person should notify the employer immediately of any defect which in their opinion is, or could become a danger to people. They should also send a copy of the report to HSE if they consider there is an imminent risk of serious personal injury.

Further information:

health & safety, lifting equipment, LOLER, regulations