
Course Availabilty

Tree Architecture and Morphophysiology Symposium

This event brings together leading authorities to present and explain how the principles of tree architecture, first developed in the 1960s in France, and tree morphophysiology together form an approach to tree management that can, and should, fundamentally improve tree care in the UK – and worldwide. Based on the pioneering work of Francis Hallé, Roelof A.A. Oldeman and colleagues, people across Europe, including in the UK, and in Canada, have explored these topics over the last 25 years. During that time much work has been done to understand how these theories can be applied to practical arboriculture and this symposium aims to present an introduction to the theories and to demonstrate key opportunities for application, from the propagation and management of nursery stock, to young, mature and ancient tree management. By recognising a tree’s developmental stage and the intrinsic processes each stage incorporates, it is possible to interpret some of the history and causal factors that have led to the tree’s current condition. Most importantly, it also allows an understanding of how the tree or, in some cases, different parts of the tree, are likely to respond to different conditions or levels of intervention. Making management decisions based on these principles and carrying out work that is compatible to the tree’s natural ageing and reaction processes, can be described as ’accompanying arboriculture’.



 The Jodrell Laboratory, R

Course Fees