Bats and trees: Who does what where!
There are currently 18 species of bats resident in the UK, many of which use
trees in their daily activities. Just as people use
trees for different purposes, different bat species use
trees in different ways. Food: The UK’s bats are all insectivorous. As
trees encourag...


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How do I select the right Tree Surgeon?
When making an appointment with an ARB Approved Contractor clients should advise the contractor whether advice on
trees is required, or if a specification for works already exists against which the contractor’s quotation is sought 2 Clients are advised
to obtain mor...


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Watering young trees in dry weather
Watering Young
Trees Young
trees need water
to survive According
to the Met Office rainfall between January and June 2022 was the lowest since 1976. Established mature
trees are able
to find their own water. However, it is recommended that newly planted


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Oak Processionary Moth FAQ
FAQ – Oak processionary moth interceptions and strengthened national measures July 2019 CURRENT SITUATION What is the current situation? The government’s Plant Health Service is dealing with findings of oak processionary moth caterpillars on recently imported oak
trees. A...


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Benefits of Urban Trees
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A brief guide to legislation for trees
The following advice applies
to England only and is for guidance purposes only. Some
trees are protected by legislation, and it is essential that you establish the legal status of
trees prior
to carrying out works
to them. Unauthorised work
to protected
trees could lead
to pr...


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Atypical Myopathy Joint Position Statement
Arboricultural Association and British Horse Society joint policy statement on Felling of Sycamore
trees in relation
to Atypical Myopathy: A statement for arborists and horse owners Introduction This 2022 document is a revision of the previous joint document issued by the ...


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So what can we expect if we find ourselves in breach of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 act?
Magistrates’ Courts operate a tiered fines system dependent on the seriousness of the offence. This could be up
to £5000 or for the most serious offences an unlimited amount. Other alternative punishments issued by Magistrates’ Courts include a community sentence like unpaid ...


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Biosecurity Awareness Video Series
Following the success of our 2017 Conference, ‘ Biosecurity: Protect & Survive ’, where His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales provided the opening address, the Association is releasing a series of videos featuring prominent figures highlighting the importance of various as...


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Can I wear ear defenders with an inbuilt FM radio system when I am working as a tree surgeon?
We couldn’t recommend this as it is likely
to further impair communication between team members in work situations where effective communication is so important. Whilst standard ear defenders are designed
to reduce potentially harmful levels of noise reaching the ear and as a...


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