Branches or roots from my neighbour’s tree are growing over my boundary. What can I do?
Under ‘common law’, you may be able
to prune branches and roots which grow over your boundary. However, you also have a legal duty
to take ‘reasonable care’ whilst undertaking any works and you may be liable if you damage the tree or cause it
to become unstable. It is therefo...


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Ash Dieback – Practice Guidance
Ash Dieback Guidance for Tree Owners, Managers, Contractors and Consultants Principal Author: Michael Sankus Thanks
to the Arboricultural Association Arborist Working Group for their help in developing the guidance Download the PDF WHO is this guide intended for? ...


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Can I get my neighbour to cut back or reduce the height of their trees or hedge?
In most situations the simple answer
to this is no . You have a common law right
to prune back parts of a tree or hedge growing over the boundary into your property (subject
to any legal restrictions being overcome first such as Tree Preservation Orders or conservation area...


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What should I do if tree roots cause cracks in my driveway or drains and does it mean that my house
Tree roots typically grow close
to the surface, and it is not uncommon for them
to develop on the underside of hard surfaces such as driveways, which can lead
to cracks developing through physical pressure. This damage is frequently superficial, and there is a range of option...


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How close to my house should a tree be?
In spite of what you may read in newspapers or be told by insurance companies, there are no fixed minimum recommended distances that you should plant
trees of certain species from buildings.
When choosing a tree or
trees to plant, you should give careful consideration
to des...


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Are there any times of year when tree works should not be undertaken?
Ideally tree works should not be undertaken during the spring time period,
when the 'sap is rising'
to enable the leaves
to flush (come out) and photosynthesis
to begin, and during the autumn,
when the tree is drawing nutrients back into itself from the leaves as they go bro...


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Tree Advice Trust
Tree Advice Trust Archives Arb Practice Notes Arb Research Notes Miscellaneous Notes
Trees in Focus Code Title Date Code Title Date APN02 Compost from Woody Wastes 1996 APN05 Shaded by
Trees? 1999 APN06
Trees and Shru...


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Sustainable Water Management: Trees are part of the solution
Sustainable Water Management:
Trees are part of the solution A revised and updated guide produced by the Arboricultural Association and the London Tree Officers Association It is a well-established fact that amenity
trees (those found in gardens, parks, on streets and...


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I'm worried about the safety of my tree - can a Council's tree officer come and inspect it? If not,
Council Tree Officers are not in post
to give independent advice
to the public about their
trees or
to recommend individual contractors or consultants. We advise residents
to seek help and advice
when they are concerned from professionals who are approved by a recognised body...


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When is the bird nest season?
The ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is officially from February until August (Natural England) and it is recommended that vegetation works (tree or hedge cutting) or site clearance should be done outside of the nesting season. However, in reality the nesting period may start before thi...


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