Benefits of Urban Trees
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Talking Trees
Trees is a series of short videos aimed at raising awareness of the benefits of our
trees and the professionals who manage them. We talk to leading experts
and generally interesting people who answer our questions on what inspired him to work with
trees, whether we'r...


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Sustainable Water Management: Trees are part of the solution
Sustainable Water Management:
Trees are part of the solution A revised
and updated guide produced by the Arboricultural Association
and the London Tree Officers Association It is a well-established fact that amenity
trees (those found in gardens, parks, on streets


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I would like to carry out work to trees on my property, do I need permission?
If your
trees are protected by a Tree Preservation Order, or you are within a Conservation Area, or the
trees are protected by a condition attached to a planning permission, then you will need consent for the works. Find out if your tree has a TPO More detailed informati...


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Should Ivy be removed from trees?
For many years, gardeners
and arborists alike would, as a matter of common tree maintenance, clear ivy from
trees in order to remove the competition for light, water
and nutrients, as well as the potential threat of the ivy totally smothering the tree. However, in the light o...


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What is the minimum distance to plant trees from a house?
If the building work proposed requires planning consent, all
trees which could potentially be affected by the development (including those off-site) should be assessed by an arboricultural consultant in accordance with British Standard BS5837
Trees in Relation to Construction...


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How can I find out if the trees within my ownership are protected?
You can check to see if a property or area of land has a Tree Preservation Order on it, or if it is located within a Conservation Area, by looking at the council website or by contacting the local council (usually the planning department). If your tree is protected then you w...


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Oak Processionary Moth FAQ
FAQ – Oak processionary moth interceptions
and strengthened national measures July 2019 CURRENT SITUATION What is the current situation? The government’s Plant Health Service is dealing with findings of oak processionary moth caterpillars on recently imported oak
trees. A...


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VETcert Videos: Further guidance on the management of veteran trees
These videos were produced by the Ancient Tree Forum
and other partners in the VETcert project to encourage good practice in the management of ancient
and other veteran
trees. The titles on practical management cover the following topics (view below): Introduction to fu...


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Tree Advice Trust
Tree Advice Trust Archives Arb Practice Notes Arb Research Notes Miscellaneous Notes
Trees in Focus Code Title Date Code Title Date APN02 Compost from Woody Wastes 1996 APN05 Shaded by
Trees? 1999 APN06
Trees and Shru...


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