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View the Introductory Guide to Young Tree Establishment Sieries

What is a Tree Consultant?  A tree (arboricultural) consultant is someone who has gained recognised qualifications and expertise in the care and management of trees - particularly trees in landscape and amenity features, in gardens and parks or other populated settings where they are for the enjoyment a...
 12/12/2015      19:19
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I am worried that my neighbour’s tree is dangerous. What should I do?  If a tree growing on someone else’s land causes injury to someone or damage to property then the owner may be liable. If you think your neighbour’s tree might be dangerous then you should contact an arboricultural consultant for further advice. It is always best to settle a d...
 24/11/2015      08:22
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My boss picked me up on using a phone in the tree, my saw wasn’t running and I was stationary in a s  Using a mobile phone up a tree during an AA Approved Contractor assessment then would not in itself result in failure unless a clear and present danger was apparent as a consequence. Arborists do use phones up trees and, whilst it may not always be ideal, there may be justi...
 25/11/2015      07:30
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Directory of UK Arboricultural education and training providers  Arboricultural Education This directory provides contact details for educational establishments and independent providers, intended for the use of persons considering a career working with amenity trees and shrubs, or those individuals who wish to further their knowledge a...
 28/04/2016      11:32
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Tree Species Selection for Green Infrastructure: A Guide for Specifiers  Author: Tree and Design Action Group How can we improve species selection so that we can provide our towns and cities with diverse and resilient palette of trees that are capable of thriving in challenging urban environments? This guide offers for the first time in the ...
 14/02/2019      13:48
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Power to the Bump - support for new mothers  In 2016 the Equality and Human Rights Commission/Department for Business, Innovation and Skills published research findings, which showed that young women are more likely to experience particular negative and potentially discriminatory experiences related to their pregnancy a...
 25/03/2019      13:58
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What should I do if tree roots cause cracks in my driveway or drains and does it mean that my house   Tree roots typically grow close to the surface, and it is not uncommon for them to develop on the underside of hard surfaces such as driveways, which can lead to cracks developing through physical pressure. This damage is frequently superficial, and there is a range of option...
 23/11/2015      16:52
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A brief guide to tree work terminology and definitions  WHAT’S IN A WORD? Tree pruning may be necessary to maintain a tree in a safe condition, to remove dead branches, to promote growth, to regulate size and shape or to improve the quality of flowers, fruit or timber. Improper pruning can lead to trees becoming unsightly, dise...
 24/11/2015      16:44
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Our members code of ethics and professional conduct  It is worth noting that our members are bound by our code of ethics and professional conduct: Code of Ethics Every member shall uphold the integrity of the profession. Every member shall strive for increasing an objective knowledge of trees and of arboriculture in all t...
 11/01/2016      17:21
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My neighbours are unhappy that a tree growing in my garden overhangs their property and say that the  Under common law rights a neighbour can cut back any foliage that overhangs the boundary to the boundary line without reference to the owner of the tree/shrub (this includes roots!). If the tree is covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or is growing within a Conservation...
 24/11/2015      08:15
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